There are different SEO strategies that can be used for a website. One of the most effective ways is article promotion. With a competent approach, it provides an excellent result in the form of increased traffic and position growth. Moreover, the effect can be quite fast and at the same time long lasting.
What is the essence of the method
Promotion by articles – a kind of content marketing. The method consists in the creation of high-quality publications, optimized for search queries, and place them on your own site.
The quality of materials is understood as their usefulness, informativeness, ease of perception. They should solve the actual problems of users, to answer their questions. At the same time it is necessary to give exhaustive answers and observe the necessary level of expertise.
An important component of the method – search engine optimization articles. Popular keywords are used in the texts, primarily of the informational type. They allow you to attract traffic and are especially effective in niches with high competition for commercial queries.
Basic principles of the method:
articles should be useful and informative;
be sure to use search terms;
There should be a lot of publications.
Promotion of articles works only under the condition of creating a large number of materials for a certain period. The exact number depends on the budget, but it is desirable to generate at least 10-20 publications per month. This is especially important at the initial stage of promotion, when the site needs to “declare itself” on the Internet.
What to write about?
In order to achieve the desired results of promotion, you need to touch on the most pressing topics, to raise topical issues. You need to write about what interests the users right now (or will interest them in the short term).
Content plan in Excel
Generating a content plan (a list of topics for writing materials) is an interesting and creative process. It is possible (and desirable) to involve specialists, experts in a particular field, business leaders, account managers.
Specialists and experts know the product or a certain area “from within” – they can suggest topics that reveal the internal structure, creation features, and principles of work.
Managers “think wider”: they see the problems of development, prospects, specifics of processes organization, and can also raise issues relevant to the business (b2b).
Sales managers know well the “pains” and current needs of end users – customers (what “people need”).
If you collect an array of information from all three levels, you can get a long list of topics to cover. But first you should correlate them with the statistics of search queries from the Internet.
Search engine optimization articles
The goal of article promotion is to attract as much traffic to the site as possible. Growth in attendance has a positive effect on positions in Google search results. Therefore, you should use the most popular topics – topics of interest to as many people as possible.
On the Internet, a topic’s popularity is “measured” by the number of queries – phrases typed by users in the search line. To promote, you need the most frequently used words and phrases.
How to use search queries
When creating articles, it is important to avoid the common mistake of publishing texts for the sake of keywords. Today, SEO-texts as they used to be understood do not work. For each subject, there are at least a dozen articles on the Internet with the same keywords. Often they are tracing from each other.
The task of article promotion is to generate high-quality content that exceeds in content and form all that has been done before. Therefore we create materials exclusively “for people”. But we do not forget about the key phrases.
It is good when you can naturally insert the keys in:
the title of the article;
the first paragraph of the text;
In any place in the text (a certain number of times).
However, this recommendation is not mandatory. After all, talking about “wooden stairs to the second floor,” can not do without the use of these words. When writing, they appear by themselves in the fabric of the text.
LSI Copywriting
Even better is when an array of synonyms and topical words are used. Any search robot will easily determine that the article is about wooden stairs.
In article promotion LSI-copywriting – writing texts using as many synonyms and thematic words as possible.
Is it possible at all without SEO?
As has already been said, without search engine optimization (SEO) can not do. First, the topics of articles must match the popular queries. And secondly, keywords and phrases must be used in the settings of pages, on which texts are published.
It should be understood that articles are written for people, and the settings are set for the search algorithms. Therefore, the SEO title (Title – the one that shows up in search results) is almost always different from the “human” title (H1).